

SaaS (Software as a Service) – a service of providing the required software through cloud technology.

How it works

The cloud software is accessed through the service provider’s web interface. The cost of the service is arranged as a monthly subscription with additional options at the customer’s request.


Delivering software on the SaaS model gives the end customer the following:

  1. The cost of the product for business is significantly lower compared to the purchase of the same version of the software in the property. Approximately by 15-20%.
  2. Availability of the software solution from any hardware platform with a stable Internet channel.
  3. Software updates are performed by the provider as new stable releases are released.
  4. Availability of technical support from the cloud solution provider will allow you to promptly solve problems of a technical nature. The cost of TA is included in the final subscription price.
  5. No installation files on the client side, since the software is installed on the provider’s servers.

Alternative models

In the software market, there are also alternative options for delivering applications to the end user. One of the most common is the hybrid model.

The customer purchases a license for the software product, but all data and basic functions are stored in the developer’s cloud. In this case, the user downloads the client part of the application, launches it, activates the license, and connects to the server.

The second popular option is software rental. The customer pays for the time of using the software product, for example, one month, after which the license is canceled. In this case, the application must be installed on physical equipment and a special license must be activated.

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