Enterprise virtualization platform vStack
Hyperconverged infrastructure solution
High performance due to CPU overhead of 2-5%
Savings from a wide range of supported equipment
High cost efficiency due to CPU overcommit values: up to 900% in production
Automated accounting of consumed resources up to the department level
Benefits of vStack

Proprietary development
One of the main differences of vStack virtualization is a large number of in-house developments. The platform does not use off-the-shelf solutions that have had their name and logo changed.
Proprietary management layer including SDC/SDN/SDS controllers and APIs

Proprietary cluster framework
Proprietary virtual network, favorably distinguished technologically
Proprietary implementation of the RAFT algorithm
Do you still have questions?

Implementation results
Customer reviews

We included vStack in our product portfolio quite a long time ago. We realized that in order to develop the company and reduce risks, we had to offer our customers an alternative that would meet their needs no worse than a well-known vendor. We chose the vStack platform and immediately received positive feedback from the market, as the platform is cheaper and does not contain inconvenient and outdated functionality.

Initially, we built our IT infrastructure based on VMware virtualization, but over time we started looking for alternatives, as infrastructure maintenance and VMware license fees required large investments and expenses. As an alternative, we chose vStack hyperconverged solution and became a leader in virtual machine performance.
Platform interface

Cluster status

Node characteristics

Virtual data centers

List of virtual networks

Virtual network settings

List of VMs


VM performance
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